1. Do not smoking
Research from the experts proves that smoking a cigarette after a meal equal to smoking 10 cigarettes (the possibility of cancer is greater).

2. Do not eat fruits directly
Directly eat fruits after meals will cause stomach filled with air. For eating fruit, do it after a meal 1-2 hours or 1 hour before meals.

3. Do not drink tea
Because the tea leaves contain a high acid content. This content will cause the protein content in foods that we consume is difficult to digest.

4. Do not loosened tie around your waist (belt)
Loosen belt after a meal will cause the intestine twisted and blocked.

People often say that walking a few steps after eating will prolong your life. In fact this is not true. Walking will cause the digestive system can not absorb the nutrients from the foods we eat. It’s become USELESS !!

6. Do not take a Bath or Shower
Bath will increase blood flow to the hands, feet and body that causes the amount of blood around the stomach will continue to decrease. This will weaken the digestive system in our stomach.

7. Do not sleep immediately
Food that we eat can not be digested well. This will cause the intestinal inflammation and stomach experience.
