Today we both are kind of excited . Time to take our pre wedding photo. Wake up at 7am. Wear contact lense, bath and prepare all the necessary things. Reached the bridal shop at 8++am. Oops, too early. Then, we went for MCD. Start make up at 9am and finished at 11am. Again, excited.
1st - Red and White long gown
2nd - Chinese traditional dress code
3rd - Red gown
4th - White Japanese gown
5th - Yellow + Black gown. Like my house curtain
6th - White +Purple color gown (Outdoor)
They played music for us while we taking indoor photo. Excited and Relaxing. We went to lake garden to take photo. Nice scenary but lot of people. We done our photo shooting at 6pm. Luckily we went outdoor at the end of the session. Else, we will be super tiring.
I personally like the shooting feel. Gals, must enjoy it at least once in your life.